Characteristics Of Advertising In The 1920s

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Name: History 111 Assignment-2 Hollitz chapter 6 10 points Ideology and History: Advertising in the 1920s 1. The defining characteristics of advertisements in the 1920s has shifted into five different levels from ““factory viewpoint” to concern with “the mental processes of the consumer,” from “the objective to the subjective,” from “descriptive product date” to “talk in terms of ultimate buying motives.”” as pointed from Printers’ Ink. These level of shifts prove that in the 1920s, the products were a solution for the consumers’ problems. For example, “Advertisements in the new copy styles set forward a model of life’s struggles that was well-tailored to strike a responsive chord among people conscious of the increasing dependence…show more content…
Americans wants to help the consumer obtain the society of unlimited choices. Tell them that there are so much choices to choose from. That this is American’s dream and how it’s suppose to be like. They tend to promote their consumers into their offerings or into their advice on buying their products. Advertising have gotten into mass media, delivering their messages into society. For example, there are a lot of advertisements on television to make the consumers curious about the products. Back in the 1920s needs to catch up with the Americans advertisements now because the adjustments has brain washed consumers more than before. 4. “The ideology of advertising in an ideology of efficacious answers.” To encourage consumers wants, needs and offer solutions to help them solve their problems. The way people spend their money on products to control their judgments. Make them feel confident. For example, using the First Impression; how you’re judge the way you present…show more content…
The source based on Listerine Advertisement shows a great value to people in the 1920s due to giving yourself a better breath. It proves that if you have halitosis, “no matter how charming you may be or how fond you your friends are, you cannot expect them to put up with halitosis.” Sometimes you can’t just doubt some advertisers because some of their products can help you in some ways. Also, on the source “The Poor Little Bride of 1860” it show the changes back in the day where there weren’t the recipe to make pancakes and you’ll have to come up with the right ingredients but for today, you just go to the grocery stores and purchase a pack of the mixture. “The Poor Little Bride of 1860” explains how the young bride couldn’t make the tender pancakes like her Aunt for her husband and later gave up. Now, the young bride doesn’t have any more trouble making pancakes because the recipe are premix. This probably explains that advertisement is a true representation American society because American wants to show consumers the better ways to help them solve their problems, prove to consumers that American should be like this and this is their

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