Image of Beauty (Article)

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EXCLUSIVE NEWS TODAY The Price Of Beauty! ALL ABOUT THE BIG WORLD WE LIVE IN THE DAILY MAIL! What is beauty? According to the dictionary beauty “is a combination of qualities, such as shape, colour, or form, that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially the sight,” but, I want you to take a moment to think to yourself, what is beautiful in your eyes? Even though I believe that everyone is beautiful in their own way, most people are to blind by society to realize what beauty truly is. In today’s society woman are expected to beautiful. And by beautiful they mean is being a size zero, having the “perfect” body and having a pretty face. I don’t understand how that is beautiful. Why can’t someone be beautiful because of their personality? We feel worthless, repulsive, flawed, and never good enough.We constantly compare ourselves to others and fall short of the images we see, our ideals, and expectations. We aim so high and are shocked when we can’t make the mark. It shocks me how girls now a days are afraid of being called fat or ugly. Statistics show 81 percent of 10 year-olds are afraid of being fat, while 72 percent of 7 year-olds are dieting. Research also indicates that young girls would rather be dead than fat. This is outrageous , when I was seven all I was worried about was which toy I wanted for my birthday. How has the world gotten this low? Who’s to blame? I put the blame on society. INSERT YOUR ARTICLE TITLE HERE I don’t think many people realize the pressure young girls and woman have. We cut, wax, color, clip, pluck, straighten, shave, and curl. We lift, curl, run, squat, and sweat. We spend far too long staring back at that person in the mirror, scrutinizing, worrying, and wishing. Wishing that our stomach could be just a little bit flatter, that our arms could be a little more toned, that our legs could be longer Fantasizing and
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