Illegal Immigration Thesis

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Illegal immigration is a controversial issue that has been discussed and debated for the past 40 years. The American public has a very strong opinion about the impact of illegal immigration on American society. One area of great impact is on the economy, specifically jobs and social services. Another area of impact is crime rates. These areas affect American's standard of living which can cause great concern and discussion. Many Americans argue that illegal immigrants are taking all of their jobs leaving many unemployed. "…The more that illegal aliens are able to take jobs in a sector of the economy, the less attractive the sector becomes to U.S workers, and the greater appearance of validity to the lie that only illegal aliens are willing…show more content…
Yet they're still using free health care, food stamps and other services meant for low-income and senior citizens" (Haughen 35). The work that these illegal immigrants do are done in secret and payed under the table. Consequently, they do not pay taxes yet they still use social services that taxes pay for. "The birthrate for illegal-alien mothers is more than double that for native-born American women, and higher even than the birthrate for legal immigrants" (Haughen 31). Illegal immigrants who do not pay taxes are costing the American tax-payers because of their visits to the hospital and the education that America provides for their children. "The economic and social consequences of illegal immigration... are staggering... Illegal aliens have cost billions of taxpayer-funded dollars for medical services. Dozens of hospitals in Texas, New Mexico Arizona, and California, have been forced to close or face bankruptcy because of federally-mandated programs requiring free emergency room services to illegal aliens…The total K-12 school expenditure for illegal immigrants costs the states $7.4 billion annually" (Haughen…show more content…
They send it off to relatives in their home countries." (Haughen 87). The money that they make here is not only under the table so they don't pay taxes but sent to support their families in Mexico. "One of Mexico's largest revenue streams consists of money sent home by legal immigrants and illegal aliens working in the U.S... This is a massive transfer of wealth from America - essentially from America's displaced working poor - to Mexico" (Haughen 101). In the end, the illegals are not paying taxes, sending their money earned here to Mexico, and using our social services which they don't pay for. Works cited "Illegal Aliens taking U.S jobs"., 2013, March. Web. 17 April. 2013 Alexander, Rose. "The impact of Illegal Immigration". Lifescript. N.p. 13, February 2008. Web. 18 April 2013. Ewing, Walter. "Are Illegal Immigrants Good for the U.S economy." the New York Times Upfront. 2013. Teacher Scholastic Web. 18 April.2013 Haughen, David. Illegal Immigration. Farmington Hills: Greenhaven Press, 2011. Printed. Messerli, Joe. "Should America Maintain/Increase the level of legal immigration?" Balanced N.P. 7 Jan 2012. Web. 18 April 2013. Parker, Nancy. Commentator: Illegal Immigration hurts the economy. 12 March. 2012. Web. 17 April. 2013. Spiegel, Scott. "As congress weighs major immigration bill, debate on illegal Immigrant crime rates heats up".
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