Ids/4001 Reflection

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Running head: Reflective Essay It is good to be a College Student IDS 4001 Dr. Joseph L. Kibitlewski, Ph D. April 6, 2010 Graduating from college has always been my personal passion since I was a little girl. Upon graduating from high school twenty years ago, I have attended different colleges. January 2002, when I first coming to this country I did not think about going back to college anymore, because it seemed like it was too hard for me as a single mother with two children, and a full time job. In 2005, after a lot of experiences that I have been through to get a better job with a good pay and a good benefit, I found out it wasn’t too easy for me because I don’t have a college degree. Then, I realized there is nothing better than being a college student, and at the beginning of 2006 I decided to go back to college for another orientation in my life.…show more content…
I will profit the same time to say thank you to all the staff member of Hodges University, to my fellow classmate, and particularly to my “Chair Program” Dr. Joseph Kibilewski who is always there to assist me with classes and to give me very good advices. Another special goes to the Librarian people specially Mrs. Riva who is never tired to see me asking for help, to the registered office members, to the financial Aid and to all other professors who were able to understand me when I struggled in their classes when it’s time to give an oral Presentation. Hodges University, it’s the best school in the community, all together they are doing a very good job to help people to become more independent to their self and to give them another orientation for their life especially “single

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