I Shall Paint My Nails Red" V "If I Should Learn, in Quite Some Casual Way--

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“I Shall Paint My Nails Red” vs. “If I should learn, in quite some casual way” In poetry, there are many hidden ideas and themes that the reader must search for. In Carol Satyamurti’s “I Shall Paint My Nails Red” and Edna St. Vincent Millay’s “If I should learn, in quite some casual way,” there is an evident theme of confidence and independence and a hidden theme of uncertainty. In both poems, the speaker seems to be a woman who is proud to be strong and independent yet there is still that hint of uncertainty and a need for reassurance. In Satyamurti’s poem, the speaker has more trouble hiding her uncertainty than that of Millay’s and in Millay’s poem, the speaker reveals, very discreetly and in an ashamed way, her need for reassurance whereas Satyamurti’s states it in a joking way. Both poems show themes of a strong woman, independent woman, and slightly uncertain woman. Strong women do not have to be muscular to be considered strong, but proud and knowledgeable about themselves. For instance, the speaker in “I Shall Paint My Nails Red” states, “Because I am proud of my hands./ Because it will remind me I’m a woman” (Satyamurti, lines 2-3). She is not saying that she is fit or goes to the gym frequently, just that she is proud of the body she has, specifically her hands, and that sometimes we forget that as women, we can be feminine and show that in many different ways. She is also declaring her womanhood and taking pride in the fact that she can enjoy the life she has been given and she is showing this through painting her nails with such a versatile color. Red is an empowering color that can be used to showcase pride, passion, anger, and many other emotions that we as people feel; by choosing this color, we can see that the speaker could be an extremely passionate or prideful person and these assumptions are enforced by her words. The speaker in “If I should
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