I Hate Everything Starting with Me

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I Hate Everything Starting With Me By Joan Rivers This book is the most recent of the many comedic books Joan Rivers’ has authored. The main theme of this book is everything Joan Rivers hates. Anything from ugly kids to bumper stickers to country music stars, you’ll most likely find it in this book. It’s sounds a little harsh, but Rivers can make anything very funny. This book also includes some of her loves, but they are rare to find. Writing books isn’t the only thing Joan Rivers is known for. Rivers is famous for her acting, being a comedian, winning Celebrity Apprentice, hosting E!’s Fashion Police and starring in E!’s Joan and Melissa, a reality show about her and her daughter, Melissa Rivers. Joan Rivers, born as Joan Alexandra Molinsky was born June 8th, 1933. Rivers is known for her countless plastic surgeries, her heavy New York accent, and her sassy and loud personality. Her comedy would normally be considered offensive, but you can’t help enjoying yourself. She has been acting since the late 1950’s. Since then, Rivers has made her name known. As a matter of fact, in 1990 her name was placed on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Recently, she has done more comedy and being on her E! television programs than acting in films or other productions. I only knew of Joan Rivers from E!’s Fashion Police that my mom occasionally watches. I do not like how she criticizes everything about others and attacks people by putting them down all the time, but I was still curious to find out what this book was all about. Unfortunately, this book did not change my opinion of the author and the message she sends to her readers and viewers. I Hate Everything Starting With Me is crudely humorous. Her signature sarcasm starts on the first page. It is just one of those books that when you read it in public, you start laughing out loud, and people give you some weird looks

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