I Fell Asleep on a Fluffy Cloud

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I Fell Asleep on a Fluffy Cloud As I gaze out of the window of the plane watching the building get smaller, I think of all the events leading up to this moment, my last day of high school, awaiting eagerly for my results, receiving my acceptance letter from the University of Cape Town, rushing around to gather all the things I need to for my big move and the elaborate farewell party. I realize that this is the end of an era. My thoughts were interrupted by the voice of the hostess saying that it is now safe to take of our seat belts. I look out the window and all I can see now are clouds. I rest my head on the window and fell right through and land on a big, fluffy pink-white cloud. “Where to Miss?” said this fluffy white cloud. I point to a building that looked so beautiful from the distance that I had to take a closer look. In a jiffy I was in front of it and indeed it was beautiful, all the people in here must be so happy to be here, I thought. I peered through one of the windows and find a lady in tears. I look closer to find her little daughter in a bed next to her fighting for her life. I go to the next window and find more sick people and there loved ones sitting by them. Even though this building is so beautiful, I'm so grateful not to be in here. The cloud asks me where next and I'm happy to leave, I point to my next destination, a green plot ahead of me. All the animals welcome me; surely this would be a happier place to visit. I hear a sound, “Hello”, I turn around to see who this voice belonged to. I see a beautiful blue bird sitting on the top of a cut down tree. At first I was surprised that I was able to understand and talk to the bird but then my smile turned into a frown as the bird was telling me that the bark of the tree which she’s sitting on was once her home where she built her nest and laid her eggs and kept a great stock of food.

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