Hsc 2028 Essay

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HSC 2028 Outcome 1 1. If you do not move and position individuals correctly you can harm the individual unintentionally. For example when you are moving an individual you need to know how the muscles work. Muscles act as levers in the body which allows the bones at a joint ie hip to work like a hinge. The muscles pull and move the bones of particular joints which then make the joints move and in turn the body then moves. We must also remember that joints like the knee and the elbow have only limited movement and trying to push past this limitation can cause damage to the joints which will be painful. 2. Strokes can cause permanent weakness or paralysis on one side of an individuals body when this happens it is important to know which side has been affected by the stroke and how to move that individual without causing them pain. Individuals suffering from arthritis can often be left with stiff and painful joints and frequently have limited movement in the affect areas. With individuals with arthritis we have to be careful to know just how far that individual can move the affected area and not try to push past that limitation. Individuals suffering from Parkinson’s disease may experience limb rigidity that can affect normal positioning and movement, it may also take that individual longer to start a movement. It is important therefore not to force the rigid limb further than it is able to as this could cause damage to the joint and cause discomfort or pain. It is also important not to rush an individual with Parkinson’s. We need to give them the time to move on their own. An individual may also not be able to verbally communicate so we would need to learn how to look for signs of pain/discomfort in the way the individual looks (non-verbal signs). Outcome 2 1. When moving and positioning individuals we must be aware of the legislation that is in
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