Hrm320: Employment Law

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Sexual Harassment Paper HRM320: Employment Law Prof. Brian Lahargoue DeVry University Online Teresa Dionne Sexual Harassment Paper Sexual harassment is a behavior of any kind that makes another person feel uncomfortable about the situation and can lead to a person feeling like it is hard to work around those who are saying or doing things sexually that put that person on edge. I believe that sexual harassment is unacceptable and should be completely kept out of any workplace because although someone says something to one person another person may have overheard the conversation and it can create problems and tension between employees which will make it hard for employees to work side by side on group projects that need to be done in the office. Define sexual harassment as the term is used legally. According to the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission website the definition of sexual harassment is “It is unlawful to harass a person (an applicant or employee) because of that person’s sex. Harassment can include “sexual harassment” or unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical harassment of a sexual nature.” (USA.Gov) Basically, sexual harassment is any unwanted sexual advancement towards a man or a woman from another man or a woman or any type of request for sexual favors from anyone at the workplace. Explain how sexual harassment differs from gender discrimination. Gender discrimination is different from sexual harassment based on the fact that sexual harassment could be sexual jokes, advances or requests for sexual favors and gender discrimination is when employers cannot discriminate on a person when it comes to getting hired, promoted, pay or benefits based on their actual gender. According to an attorney’s website gender discrimination is “Under federal law and many state laws, employers must not
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