Hr in Example of Google

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IAAU. Man4 | Policy Human Resources Management | On the example of Google | Iusupova Rushsangul’27.11.2012 | Strategy and policy of human resource management on the example of Google Inc. Contents The history of human resource development (HRD) The definition of "HR POLICY" Introduction The Google company Philosophy of Google The role of the HR department in Google Recruiting process Training and development of employees Benefits and privileges in Google Google best practices in human resource management What is HR-branding HR-branding in Google Conclusion References Strategy and policy of human resource management on the example of Google Inc. The history of human resource development (HRD) Emphasis on training really grew in the latter part of the 19th century when concern grew that compared with other industrial nations (notably Germany) Britain’s labour force was of a poor standard, leading to a lack of competitiveness, a theme which would re-emerge continually during the 20th century. The First World War demanded rapid production of munitions, so the Ministry of Munitions devised training schemes aimed at producing competent machine operators in under three months. In 1917, the emphasis shifted to skill training for (mainly) disabled ex-servicemen, to enable them to gain both employment and trade union membership. After the First World War the government was concerned about a possible shortage of skilled workers, while simultaneously there was concern to alleviate mass unemployment. So from 1925 The Interrupted Apprenticeship Scheme enabled those whose apprenticeships had been interrupted by the war to resume them. For women, training schemes were established to fit unemployed women and girls for domestic employment. The principal aim of virtually all the schemes was to mitigate long-term unemployment,
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