Howard Gardner Seven Stages of Intelligences

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Howard Gardner seven stages of intelligences Howard Gardner viewed intelligence as the ability to unscramble problems; he believed that psychometrics or IQ tests could not calculate a person’s intelligence. Howard Gardner supposed that every human being possesses different ways to learn and process information. He defines intelligence as the capacity to decipher problems and his theory states that learning is rooted within genetic sources. Gardner argues that there are particular sites in the brain, in control of these individual intelligences. These intelligences accompany each other and operate simultaneously which enables a person to develop skills and assist with solving problems. In the year 1983 Howard Gardner proposed his Theory of Multiple Intelligences which includes: Spatial, Linguistic, Logical, Bodily, Musical, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal and Naturalistic intelligence; which was added in 1999. Gardner’s theory explains what happens within the brain when people engage in any learning activities. The classifications of these different areas that Gardner refers to are as follows: Logical-Mathematical Intelligence- the ability to detect patterns, reason deductively and think logically. Next is, Linguistic Intelligence-the mastery of language. Also listed is, Spatial Intelligence- the ability to manipulate and create mental images in order to solve problems. Additionally there’s, Musical Intelligence- the ability to recognize and compose musical pitches, tones and rhythms. Similarly listed is, Bodily Kinesthetic Intelligence-the ability to use mental abilities to synchronize bodily movements. There’s also, Interpersonal Intelligence- the ability to understand and discern the feelings of others. Lastly there’s, Intrapersonal Intelligence-the ability to understand your own feelings. These different areas of the brain contribute to the different types of

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