How To Write A Letter To Vimy Ridge

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April, 9, 1917 Third Canadian division Canadian Expeditionary Force Vimy Ridge, France Dear my darling Emily, How are you? I hope you and the children are fine. There is not a single day where I don’t think about you and the children. Don’t worry I guarantee you I will come out of this war alive. Please pass my love to George and Harry. I am in Northern France on the Vimy Ridge. This is the first time that all the divisions of our Canadian corps are fighting together against the Germans. We are on the highest point on the ridge; this is an advantage for us because we can clearly see our enemy across the horizon without being slaughtered. The living conditions are very brutal here. The trenches have rats and lice everywhere. We are sitting in the mud among the detritus of human living. It is very hard to sleep because I can hear the scurrying of rats in the dark. Lice infest every living thing in the earth and they cause everyone to scratch. There are duckboards being put to protect our feet from the waste. I am very glad general…show more content…
We had used 250 heavy guns and 2500 shells aiming at the enemy positions. As part of our plan, we placed microphones through no-man’s land to hear sound waves from the guns. We became lucky as a snow storm began to blow in the faces of the Germans. All our Canadian troops felt a sense of pride and accomplishment as we won the battle of Vimy Ridge. However it causes me great sorrow that we have lost 3500 of our own men. All of us fought in this battle to show that we were capable of planning and carrying out a successful attack. Throughout this war, I was scared Emily because my life was under constant threat, bullets were being randomly fired at us, I was seeing men die all around me from a bullet or because of fever and disease, I am thankful and proud that I survived this war. I love you so much and I can’t wait to see you and the children at

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