How Far Do Sources 2 And 3 Support The Impression

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The impression given in Source 1 is that the battle was a ‘disaster’ and the army was very brave and courageous. Source 1 explains how the British army had ‘the most brilliant valour’ whilst fighting against they’re ‘savage and barbarian enemy’. The impression given of Russian army was that they were almost undefeatable as savage and barbarian are very powerful words. The source also emphasises the chivalry of the army and how they followed the code of conduct ‘on the best days of chivalry’. In this essay I will explain how Sources 2 and 3 support this impression given and also how they challenge it. Sources 2 and 3 emphasise the disaster of the battle, the bravery and chivalry of the army. The charge is clearly seen as ‘the disaster of the day’ as so many were killed in such a short amount of time and is now a ‘matter of world history’. ‘It was now do or die’ shows how brave the army was because they were going into the charge not knowing whether they would come back out dead or alive and this is very admirable. The impression of the Russian army in Source 1 is developed in Sources 2 and 3 as they are described as the ‘brutish army’ with fire ‘pouring from all sides’. This makes the British appear braver and courageous for their ‘glorious and fatal charge’. Source 3 in particular shows the support soldiers had from their loved ones and the same view of the charge, which was how brave soldiers were. This is clearly shown in the line ‘How we watched them!’ The enthusiasm shown through the use of an exclamation mark shows no matter if the British army won or lost the charge they were still highly respected. Sources 2 and 3 also challenge the impression made in Source 1. ‘An officer said....It’s madness.’ This line challenges the ‘brilliant valour’ of the army in Source 1 as an officer who is supposed to be leading the army is questioning their own actions and
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