How to Study for a Test

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How many of you get stressed out the day before taking a test because of all of the studying that you have to do. I bet that most of you do. All of you are high school students, and tests can bring a lot of pressure for you guys. Suppose you have two tests on the same day. How in the world are you supposed to study for all of these tests as well as get your homework done and have some spare time for other things. Well, I, being a high school student myself, have found effective techniques that can help me study and do well on my high school tests. I am here today to share that information with all of you. So listen up. Most of you probably wait until a few days before the test that you are about to take, but preparation for a test should begin the day that you start the unit that you are going to have the test on. You don’t have to study for hours every day, but just spend 5 to 10 minutes going over the material that you have learned so far. This will help you remember the material better than if you try to study all of it at one time. One thing that you can do is type up practice questions from the things that you learned each day. Then, the day before the test, you will have a practice test ready for you to take and see what you don’t know. Another thing to do while studying over a long period of time is writing down things that you did not know or found hard to remember on notecards or a piece of paper. Then, the next day, before you start reviewing what you learned on that day, go over the things you wrote down from before. This will help you remember things easily because it causes you to repeat the material every day. Most people have different study techniques that they use. Some techniques work, while others don't work, for some people. You just have to find the right technique for you. For example, many people make flashcards to study, but those

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