How to Implement Health, Safety and Security in Health and Social Care

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How to implement Health, Safety and Security in Health and Social Care The risks and hazards of being in a hospital setting. What the risk is: Potential Harms and Hazards: Medication If the wrong dose of medication was given to a patient then it could result in many things such as, the patient could be allergic to the medication given which could then result in more illness. Also If the patient had been given a certain drug then they could become addicted to it. Medication is a health and safety hazard. The medication throughout the hospital should be kept safely locked away and always checked to see if the patients have been given the right amount. If the patient had been given more than the required amount then they could result in severe illness or even worse, death. Surgery Surgery is a health, safety and a security hazard. When getting surgery the doctors or nurses must ensure that the procedure is done correctly as if not done to high standards then the patient could result in getting infected which could lead to illnesses. Also, after the procedure is complete the tools and equipment used must be disposed of properly by being put into the yellow hazard bags and placed into waste bins. Sharp objects being left lying about This is a health and safety hazard therefore sharp objects should never be left lying around in any place setting because of the obvious hazard of them being picked up and people getting cut or hurt. These sharp objects should be locked away at all times or disposed of correctly. General objects being left lying about This is a safety and security hazard. Any objects that are left lying on the floor are hazards of people tripping over them. Also, in risk of fire these objects would be stopping the patients from exiting the building and as a hospital is a big building with many people. Any objects that are left on the floor should be

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