(Henney FDA-1) So it seems that these organizations that are made to protect us are doing their part in helping the cause of illegal drug prescriptions, yet they are not ceasing because of the lack of finding the practitioner that gives the prescription. The FDA says that in their efforts to stop these abuses, one must see a licensed doctor in order to be examined and offered the medicine. This being said, it still doesn’t target the doctor on its own. They might be able to make the process tighter, but if a doctor is crooked, there is really no way of stopping them from writing the prescription. That is why I fight that without making the process of obtaining a license to distribute prescriptions more detailed and strict, there will be no stoppage of the flow
Health and Social Care OCR Level 2 Gloria Manhera Unit 2: Individual Rights in Health and Social Care By: Imama Shahid Group 716 P2: Explain the individual rights of people who use services. Legislation Regulation: 1. Confidentiality For example, people who have their right to have their privacy which they don’t want the doctor would tell his colleagues or his family. A client make an appointment to see doctor, she is worry that she might have a cancer which the doctor comfort her and wouldn’t tell about this to her family or someone else. They can complain what they are not happy with the doctor or a nurse done to them, it could be wrong information details about them.
Companies maintain this provides an educational service by keeping doctors updated on the latest changes in medical science. Critics point to a systematic use of gifts and personal information (details) to befriend doctors to influence their drug prescriptions. Usually these sales reps come by to sale or to advertise their company’s drugs to the doctor for them to prescribe to their patients to use (Fugh-Berman & Ahari, 2007). Typically the sales reps will offer samples, and gifts to help get the doctors interest in what they are selling so that they will prescribe their drugs to us over other companies’ drugs, even if it is not in our best interest. The question I ask here today is this ok?
EHR’s are just that a record on the computer instead of hand written. Maybe it makes the physician more careful about how he spells or how he phrases the content of the procedure he just completed, but I cannot find any hard evidence that EHR’s are causing loss of autonomy. I find the size of the practice may be the problem for loss of autonomy. With too many physician in the group and the individual physician is getting lost in the crowd. They also have a central administration that plans and initiates change and the physicians are not sure how to handle someone else making their decision for them.
Patients will pay closer attention to their information, and the providers can insure that their systems have better safe walls and security measures. If we can make it a lot more difficult for people to get the information, then it will help detour them from taking the information that does not belong to them. Many people probably do not think about their medical records being stolen, but it does happen. When this information is taken, there can be large costs such as credit card charges because of a stolen medical record. The electronic medical record is just as important as any other information, such as a social security card or driver’s
In all the pain Dax endured he was given the minimal amounts of medications which infringed on his autonomy (4), making his treatments more painful. Beneficence is the desire to do good. In dax’s case it becomes controversial. The physicians would argue that they used minimal medication to prevent Dax from becoming an addict. They would also argue that the only way to prevent infection was using chlorinated baths and dousing a resident with the antibiotic, sulfanymde.
Patients although should be aware of the drugs that are out there should not be self-diagnosing, for that should be left up to the doctor. What consumers do not know that the advertisements shown could be misleading and portray something other than their main purpose. With the information given out to the public consumers should not follow exactly what advertisements say, in most cases it will lead to the over medication or prescription of an unneeded drug. The FDA should do more to educate the public and not allow the patients to be influenced by misleading
Tara Hill Professor: Dr. Vidourk February 5, 2012 Reading Reaction Paper Are Americans over medicating themselves? “Are Americans Over medicating Themselves” The article discusses the benefits that can help you and the malfunction that can hurt you when taking these drugs. These medications can be beneficial and harmful to an individual with diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease or recurring chronic illness. The article often discusses the manufacture of new drugs before releasing them to the public. The article really focuses on many doctors that prescribe medications without realizing the consequences of their chronic illness already and what a new medication will do to them.
Andrew Diaz Argumentative Paper 2.1 Introduction: Recently, a major dispute has arisen over the types treatments leading doctors and researchers are prescribing to their patients suffering to cope with the effects of chronic pain. The argument sparked when some non-medical researchers argued that doctors prescribing patients schedule two drugs are becoming addicted to the medication they are taking. The non-medical researchers are saying that there are non-addictive ways of getting rid of the pain associated with chronic pain by using different methods such as acupuncture, massage therapy, physical therapy, and yoga therapies. It is my view that contrary to doctors prescribing schedule II medications does more harm than good to patients.
For instance, it only makes sense that welfare recipients should have to take a drug test in order to qualify for benefits. People say that this is unfair by singling out the poor people, or that it invades their privacy. This simply isn’t true. Some companies have people submit to a drug test even before they go through the interview process when applying for a job. This is because the companies have realized the benefits that can come from a drug-free workplace.