How to Identify a Psychopath Person

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How to identify a psychopath person? The Hare Psychopathy Checklist created by Robert Hare was initially developed to diagnose people who may exhibit the traits and tendencies, and mental condition of a psychopath. Most mental health professionals define a psychopath as a predator who takes advantage of others using charm, deceit, violence and other methods to get what they want. 1. Look for glib and superficial charm. A psychopath will also put on what professionals refer to as a "mask" of sanity that is likeable and pleasant. 2. Look for a grandiose self-perception. Psychopaths will often believe they are smarter or more powerful than they actually are. 3. Watch for a constant need for stimulation/proneness to boredom. Stillness, quiet and reflection are not things embraced by psychopaths. They need constant entertainment and activity. 4. Evaluate the level of manipulation. All psychopaths are identified as cunning and able to get people to do things they might not normally do. They can use guilt, force and other methods to manipulate. 5. Look for any feelings of guilt. An absence of any guilt or remorse is a sign of psychopathy. 6. Consider the affect or emotional response a person has. Psychopaths demonstrate shallow emotional reactions to deaths, injuries, trauma or other events that would otherwise cause a deeper response. 7. Determine if there is pathological lying. A psychopath will tell all sorts of lies. It can be moderate or high; in moderate form, they will be shrewd, cunning, sly, and clever; in extreme form, they will be deceptive, deceitful, manipulative, and dishonest. 8. Talk about goals. Psychopaths have unrealistic goals for the long term. Either there are no goals at all, or they are unattainable and based on the exaggerated sense of one's own accomplishments and abilities. 9. Consider whether the person can

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