How Important Were the Actions of Officers Rather Than Conditions in Causing High Death Toll in Ww1.

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How important were the actions of officers rather than conditions in causing a high death toll in WW1. In World War One the amount of deaths were staggeringly high, this came down to many different reasons. Over the four years many men died from diseases, the conditions of the trenches and ‘no mans land’. However the most deaths came from within the army itself, it usually came from the poor actions that the officers made. Firstly, a main point that their actions were to blame would be that repetitive tactics and how they would refuse to change them. This would result in there army losing out at a battle or changing them to their own plans. Another factor would be that none of them really knew how to work the new weapons and couldn’t train there men to use them, so in most cases they would refuse to use them. Whereas if they had used them in battle there might of been a better chance of the men surviving. Losing touch with the high command was another point which caused a lot of men died. This meant a lot of the officers were making decisions for themselves and a lot of the time this would result in a high amount of losses. A massive element would be how naive the officers where, this would usually end up with them having a tinted viewing aspect. This would just be what they want to see. In result of this, this cause loads of deaths. To conclude the actions from the officers were a very important factor in causing a high death toll in World War One. This was mainly down to their naivety, ineptness and how out of touch they really were. There loss of seeing things for how they really were, was another reason why there army lost so many of their men. In some cases it seemed the army were being sent in blind, as the officers refused to change their old fashioned
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