How Hurricanes Work

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How Hurricanes Work Hurricanes typically form between 5o to 15o latitude north or south of the equator, or also known to be formed near tropical regions surrounding the equator. A certain force is needed to create the spin in the hurricane and it is too weak near the equator, therefore hurricanes can never form at the equator. Hurricanes form over really warm ocean water, the water must be 80°F or warmer. The atmosphere must cool off quicker and quicker the higher it gets. The wind must also be blowing in the same direction and at the same speed to allow an organized convection to develop. Winds flow to the top of the storm allowing the air below the rest to rise. Hurricanes are very destructive and have strong winds, heavy rain and thunder. Winds exceeding 80 mph can cause flooding and damage which can cause injury and death. A lot of houses, buildings, cars and other vehicles will be ruined and people can be killed. When a hurricane is done, it rains very hard. Some hurricanes may cause floods or landslides depending on how much water falls. Hurricane Sandy has been one of the most recent hurricanes that have hit the US in the past 15 years. Hurricane Sandy destroyed millions of homes, brought a bunch of sand onto the roads, and killed 209 people. Sandy caused $52.4 billion in damages. Another hurricane that has hit the US is Hurricane Katrina. Hurricane Katrina caused subsequent floods and caused $81 billion in damaged. Katrina also killed at least 1,833 people in the time that it took to cross most of eastern North America. Hurricane Charley formed on August 9, 2004 caused $16.3 billion in damages and killed about 35 people. Hurricane Ike formed September 1, 2008 and ended on September 14, 2008. Hurricane Ike caused up to $37.6 billion in damage and killed 195 people in just 13 days. The difference between a hurricane, typhoon, and a cyclone is the

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