How Far Was President Kennedy Determined to Use Military Forces in South Vietnam in Order to Stop the Spread of Communism in Southeast Asia?

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(b) How far was President Kennedy determined to use military forces in South Vietnam in order to stop the spread of communism in Southeast Asia? There is two sides to each argument in this answer one side will show how determined Kennedy was to using military force and the other side would be to show how he tried to use other options. Firstly I am going to describe how I think that Kennedy was determined or willing to use military force. Firstly he started out by carrying on Eisenhower’s plans for guerrilla warfare by training the South Vietnamese army and giving them supplies and equipment to try and fight the war like that instead of using American troops even though he criticised Eisenhower’s soft defence against communism but still carried on with some of his plans. After the failure of that he introduced things such as the strategic hamlets (Agrovilles) which were villages that were surrounded by barbed wire and guarded by troops, to isolate National Liberation Front (NFL) guerrillas from political recruits and other responses. In November 1961 Kennedy agreed to provide aircraft, intelligence equipment and additional economic aid which show that he was keen to introduce military forces to Vietnam. But due to the takeover of the NFL this meant that Kennedy had to up his enforcement in Vietnam so he left Johnson with a US military force of 16,000 troops and a commitment to the growing Vietnamese war. Source B also suggests that Kennedy was willing to use military force and it does this by saying “Kennedy would have agreed that withdrawal would case the fall of the dominos” this is suggestion that if Kennedy withdrew from Vietnam then this would be the realisation of the domino theory and everyone would see if Vietnam was the trigger that set of the domino theory. This source shows that Kennedy was willing to us military force and would not withdraw from

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