How Far Is Caning Effective in Educating Children at the Age of 7 Until 12 Years Old in Primary Schools?

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Abstract In this essay, I will discuss the question, “How far is caning effective in educating children at the age of 7 until 12 years old in primary schools?” Before I proceed any further, it is very important for me to define the major key points in the research question so that a clear understanding is achieved. First, the term ‘how far’ can also be understood as ‘to what extend’. In this type of question, the objective is not to find a yes or no answer, but it is more to discuss and justify all the positive and negative points and then come out with an unbiased conclusion. ‘Caning’ is an act of making somebody hurt physically by hitting them with a thin stick because they have broken the law or did something wrong. In this essay, I will discuss more about caning done in schools which are executed as a part of the learning process. The word ‘effective’ means that the action which produces the result that is wanted or intended. It can be easily understood as producing a successful result, in this context, successful in educating. It is a must for me to give a clear picture of the real context of ‘educating’ which is used in the research question. Generally, people understand the word ‘educate’ as to teach somebody over a period of time in schools, universities and etc. It is also commonly accepted as to teach somebody how to do something. Throughout this essay, I will use ‘educating’ in the context of teaching somebody to learn a new knowledge and how to do things right. Another important key point is the word ‘children’. It can be understood as a young human who is not yet an adult. However, if we just refer to this definition, then the word children will cover the age of 1 until 19 years old. That is why in my research question, I specifically stated that these children are in the age of 7 until 12 years old, which refers to children in primary

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