How Far Did the Campaigns of Martin Luther King Improve Life for African Americans from 1955-1968?

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King improved the life of African Americans through various campaign is this time scale, some were success and some were failures. They all either effected Social, Economic and Political factors, however he was limited in his improvements due to people who did not agree with his ideas, or where his opposition. MLK’s main impact was on the Social factor for the lives of African Americans, most his attention was focused in this area as he wanted to stop segregation and improve education. The first of his campaigns improve segregation was Montgomery its aim to desegregate interstate transport, the main event of this campaign was the Bus Boycott. This sparked the attention at they wanted and was a success resulting white people beginning to agree with them as well as African Americans starting to work together giving a stronger sense of community spirit. King was involved in the NAACP during this and was not leading similar to Albany where they again were trying to desegregate interstate travel through sit-ins and more boycotts. The main leader of this was the SNCC a group for younger students, However unlike Montgomery, Albany was a failure then in turn limiting life for African Americans as violence started which then gained them bad publicity, and the lack of federal intervention made the violence escalate even further, also the three main black activist groups (NAACP, SNCC, SCLC) failed to co-operate resulting to a failure in this campaign. In contrast to Albany, there was Birmingham where King was in the forefront and was leading the SCLC to what was this time a success in decreasing racism and segregation. Why did MLK choose Birmingham? Birmingham was chosen because there was an ever growing black community and also the SNCC and NAACP were inactive, King described the city as ‘Americans worst city’. This campaign was a big success for not only African
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