Compare And Contrast The Ideas Of Booker T. Washington, W.E.B. Dubois And Marcus Garvey

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The leaders of the Progressive movement, while preoccupied with their desire of gaining greater democracy for the American people, thought only in the terms of the white population. African Americans were, for the most part, ignored by Progressive presidents and governors. The Progressive era coincided with years of racial tensions. The Progressives during this time period did nothing about segregation and lynching. This was due to the fact that they shared in the general prejudice of their time and because of the fact that they considered other reforms (such as lower tariffs) to be more important that anti-lynching laws. African American leaders such as Booker T. Washington, W.E.B. Du Bois, and Marcus Garvey strongly disagreed with the opinions and actions of the Progressive era and took action on their own to alleviate poverty and discrimination. A former slave, Booker T. Washington proposed a response to discrimination that was widely accepted by both whites and African Americans in the hostile racial climate of the 1880s and 1890s. In 1881, Washington established the Tuskegee Institute in Tuskegee, Alabama. This vocational institute was dedicated to teaching practical skills, which Washington built into the largest, best- known industrial school in the nation. His mission became to teach southern African Americans skilled trades, the virtues of hard work, moderation, and economic self- help. Due to the fact that Washington preached racial harmony and economic cooperation, his leadership was praised by many white leaders of the time, such as Andrew Carnegie and Theodore Roosevelt. Although his vocational school was successful and helped many blacks during this time period, during the civil rights era, many leaders considered Booker T. Washington’s approach to be a sell out to segregation and discrimination. Although the methods of Booker T.
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