How Does the Film Industry Use Technological and Cross Media Convergence

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How does the film industry use technological and cross-media convergence to market films to a specific target audience? Technological convergence is when new technologies are created to take over old technology in order to perform the same task in a more highly developed order. An example of this is people had purchased mp3 players and use the radio in order to listen to music, but now this can be done on the majority of phones by music apps and being able to download music all from one place. There are many advantages of technological convergence to institutions, such as the Warner Brothers, this is as they already use the traditional ways of advertising which are public, such as billboards and posters. But using technological convergence, this allows the Warner Brothers to expand their business by promoting their films and releases on advertisements on websites, apps ect. These will wider awareness with the audience, gaining a larger audience and profit. Technological convergence also has a more likely chance for target audience to see the upcoming films. However, if this does not succeed and the target audience show no interest in this, then this may cause problems to the company as it is expensive and if it’s not expensive, this causes the loss of money. Technological convergence is very important to audience and institutions as it promotes films to the target audience specifically and may attract even more people in the process. Technology will always converge with the film industry due to the relevance and importance it has to the film industry and will create larger fan bases and popularity to films, which will be continued for years. An example of this is the increase of re-formatting films and 3D films, this is as old movies can be restored and improved by the use of IMAX, HD, 3D and Blu-ray, and this allows individuals to watch it over repeatedly, this is

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