How Does Stereotypes Affect Counselling In A Diverse Society

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Level 4 Diploma in Therapeutic Counselling D/601/7630 Counselling in a diverse society By Heidi Jayne Thewlis Contents Pages Unit Details 3, 4 Unit 1 1.1 5, 6, 7 Unit 2 2.1 8 Unit details | | | |1. Understand issues which |1.1 Using examples, evaluate the relevance of the following in | |affect counselling in a |the counselling process | |multi-cultural society |stereotyping…show more content…
It is sometimes easier to have general categories rather trying to understand the complexities of the human life. This however goes against the ethos and ethical framework which professional counselling works within. The newspapers often stereotype for example illegal immigrants are made out to be bad people and that they should be sent home. I believe they should be seen as individual’s cases and their stories should be told as if the truth was seen and why they do what they do, it would be hard pushed to want to sent them home. Stereotyping is a very narrow minded…show more content…
When counselling, it is very important not to put their own beliefs onto the client. It is imperative, to have an open mind as this will enable the counsellor to truly walk in the client’s shoes. If for example a counsellor has a strong religious believe system and they believe in no sex before marriage and they have a client who wants to discuss whether to have sex with her boyfriend or not. Under no circumstances should the counsellor interfere with the client trying to discover their own belief system. Also as a counsellor it is important to accept others and have the capacity and humility to change and have an awareness of ethical moral
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