How Does Contrasting Characterization of Spiritual Leaders in ‘the Outsider’ and ‘Siddhartha’ Result in Contrasting Effects on the Protagonists?

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How does contrasting characterization of spiritual leaders in ‘The Outsider’ and ‘Siddhartha’ result in contrasting effects on the protagonists? Word Count: 1500 Candidate Name: Biraj Khanal Candidate Number: 002332-008 School: Global Indian International School Session: May/June 2012 Societal customs and conventions of the people, period and place wherein a novel is set so greatly influence the work that it cannot be studied without taking it into consideration. These customs and conventions invariably affect the life and choices of protagonists. Religion and faith, or even faithlessness, often help us not just to understand characters and their motives but also the society. In the texts, ‘Siddhartha’ by Hermann Hesse and ‘The Outsider’ by Albert Camus, the embodiments of religion play an integral role in the development of characters. Since ‘Siddhartha’ develops against an ancient Indian Hindu setting and ‘The Outsider’ is set in colonial Algeria where the protagonist is a Christian, it is to no surprise that the religious leaders interacting with the protagonists are remarkably different. Nonetheless, these embodiments of religion or spiritual leaders play a decisive role in each of these books. In ‘The Outsider’, Albert Camus narrates the story from Meursault’s point of view. Being an ‘Outsider’ to the society he lives in, he is inherently in dispute with all voices of society and hence, also the spiritual leaders he comes in contact with when imprisoned for murder. Being an antagonist to the norms of society, he effectively becomes the protagonist of the book. Although readers do see Meursault meeting a priest at his mother’s funeral, since he remains absolutely unaffected by his presence, Meursault’s first effective encounter with a religious figure is in

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