How Did The Revolutionary War Make A Revolutionary Dbq

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The revolutionary war did make a change, hence its even in the name, revolutionary meaning, a radical change. The war for independence took place between 1775 and 1783, where the 13 colonies were fighting against England. The war eventually was won by America and it made changes after the war, making it revolutionary. People began thinking of themselves as new, as if they can do anything. The Revolutionary War led to many American teams, towns and countries to be named after some famous people during this time. Because of the revolutionary war, slavery had become abolished, there was a Declaration of Independance making everyone want to go through with the war for independance, and women had rights because America broke away from England. There was a sense of freedom, but before that there had to be fighting against the mother country. This war was revolutionary because if it wasn’t for this war than half the things that occurred wouldn’t have…show more content…
After all the fighting during the Revolutionary war, it ended up causing many changes. There are some things that people would consider as not revolutionary but i believe that all these different changes that occurred to the nation were for the better, it made the biggest changes that would effect even in future and we wouldn’t have all our rights and independence if it weren’t for them. If Abigail Adams hadn’t stood up and said to remember the ladies, girls now probably wouldn’t have voted, or if slavery had not been abolished, who knows what other terrible things could have happened now in the future. All of the things that happened after the revolutionary war just made things after that better than
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