How Did Hitler Become The Chancellor In Jan 1933?

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How did Hitler become the Chancellor in Jan 1933? The Nazi Party and specifically Hitler used a combination of clever tactical thinking and cunning opportunism to gain power in 1933. Despite its humble origins as the German Workers Party it developed against a background of political turmoil and through the work of Hitler the party became one of the most noticeable. There are many reasons to why this happened and why Hitler eventually became Chancellor. Arguably the biggest was the Wall Street Crash in 1929 and the following unemployment that followed. This could further be seen through the weaknesses of the Weimar Republic specifically with problems of the Article 48. Hitler’s own ability as a leader should also be considered as electoral success shows. Finally other reasons could be through violence and intimidation (SA and SS) and popular policies. However it can be argued that the roots of Hitler’s appointment as Chancellor in January 1933 lie in the disaster of the Wall Street Crash of 1829 and the subsequent depression. This economic crash and the rise in unemployment had the important effect of further polarising German politics. The fact that Germany’s growth in the 1920’s had been funded by American capital which was now forced to withdraw hit Germany’s industry hard. Furthermore it was unemployment and the consequential insecurity that so undermined confidence in the present structures. By 1933 over 6 million German workers were unemployed. It was not necessarily the unemployed who formed the bedrock of growing Nazi support but those who believed that without political change that they too might well suffer collapse in living standards: the Mittelstand (lower middle class) felt they were threatened with worsening economic conditions. This economic crises was sufficient to persuade a number of Germans to break with their voting habit of the past and vote
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