How Accurate Is It to Say That the Status of African Americans Changed Very Little in the Years 1945-55?

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How accurate is it to say that the status of African Americans changed very little in the years 1945-55? During the Second World War many African Americans went to countries where there was no segregation between white and black people and once they returned home to the USA, they felt that they helped other countries with racial problems but came home to face the same problems. Many African Americans gained confidence to fight for their rights after fighting in the Second World War. In the years 1945-55 there were big economic and social changes in America. During the war many African Americans migrated from the southern countryside's to the southern towns and cities for work. More than 1 million African Americans migrated to the north to work in factories; by 1945 50% of African Americans lived in towns and cities. This push towards industrial employment was increased in machinery in farming witch resulted in less demand for labourers to work on the fields. Agricultural work was the main source for income for African Americans. In factories African Americans earned more money than they did as farm labourers. African Americans who migrated also started to build their own communities and founded the NAACP (National association of the Advancement of Colour People) . I think this alone impacted the status of African Americans greatly because now Africans were no longer in the country sides and were in the cities and towns, in industry. This meant that they had a bigger part to play in the economy of the USA. Although African Americans had greatly improved in their income and houses, many people didn't treat them any differently. Approximately 1 million African Americans had served in the Second World War but when they returned home, they were treated with disrespect by white people. There were instances where they were beaten because they were in uniform
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