How a different environment relates to identity and hence limits ones ability to properly communicate

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Travelers in different environments often come across different degrees of misunderstanding. One of the possible reasons to account for this phenomenon is the reinforced sense of identity, which consequently limits one’s ability to properly communicate with the others. In this essay, we are looking at “Interpreter of Maladies” and “Picket Pocketoni”, written by Lahari and Sedaris respectively, to analyze how identities, environments and communications are related to each other. Different environment gives people wrong perception about their identities, and on the other hand, limits one’s ability to properly communicate with the others. A sense of identity plays an important role in communication. An inappropriate sense of identity can have a dramatic effect on understanding others and a perception of the environment. As a result, an inappropriate sense of identity usually affects someone in a bad way. Misunderstanding may arise and proper communication is prevented. In “Interpreter of Maladies”, when Mr. Kapasi and Mr. Das’s family first meet the others, “When he'd introduced himself, Mr. Kapasi had pressed his palms together in greeting, but Mr. Das squeezed hands like an American so that Mr. Kapasi felt it in his elbow.” A Greeting is a very basic human interaction, but this is totally demolished due to the wrong identities that people recognize in themselves. Each of the characters identifies himself or herself as well as the others. Mr. Das and his family are Indian look like, therefore it is very natural for Mr. Kapasi to assume that Mr. Das and his family are taught Indian culture. The environment can explain causes for this. In “Picka Pocketoni”, the American couple first meets Sedaris in a public transportation place, he says "Peeeeew, can you smell that? That is pure French, baby.” The American couple, again, committed mistakes what Mr. Kapasi did in

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