Hospice Savannah Organizational Structure

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Organizational Design Paper Shalawn Smith HCS/514 July 9, 2012 Norma Wright Organizational Design Paper “A host of external factors influence a firm’s choice of direction and action and, ultimately, its organizational structure and internal processes. These factors, which constitute the external environment, can be divided into three interrelated subcategories: factors in the remote environment, factors in the industry environment, and factors in the operating environment” (Pearce & Robinson, 2011). The organizational structure of Hospice Savannah has a team of directors in each department that bring their expertise of their role to the forefront when decisions on the future of the company need to be made. Internal and external factors…show more content…
Many factors have contributed to the existence of Hospice and how the company is growing. The growth of the organization and the services they are able to offer has led to the requirement for more accountability from everyone in the company from the CEO to the lower level employees. Even though Hospice Savannah is a non-profit organization and is community-based, the services they offer and provide for terminally ill patients and their families are their top priority. Hospice Savannah relies on the organizational culture that they have built within the ranks to provide an environment for the terminally ill of their community and surrounding areas that gives their clients a comfortable environment and choices on how they would like to be cared for at their end of life stage. Internal factors that have defined the size of Hospice include the addressing of the fact that many patients and their families were suffering from terminal illnesses and their needs were not being met by the medical system. The size that Hospice has grown into is based on the needs of the people and how to provide care for these patients. As more patients who required…show more content…
Many of these factors are taken into consideration when revamping certain aspects of the processes that are used in the organization to provide better and more up to date services and treatments to terminally ill patients and their families. Having a strong partnership with the community, area hospitals, and physicians can increase the organizations ability to move into future developments that will keep them leading the way in hospice care. Internal factors such as employee morale have to remain priority also and can help to initiate a bond between the organization and their employees which will result in better accountability status on the part of employees and

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