Horse Whisperer And Les Grands Seigneurs

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In ‘Horse Whisperer’ the whisperer has lost a lifestyle and he/she says ‘but the tractor came over the fields like a warning’, relating to the industrial revolution so horses were no longer needed for ploughing the fields and therefore he/she was not needed either. He/she was ‘scorned as demon and witch’. This is similar to the woman in ‘Les Grands Seigneurs’. She starts off by seeing men as her ‘performing seals’ entertaining her and she sees herself as ‘their queen’. This shows how naive she is about men, and when she gets married she is treated in the same way as the men she treated. Her husband ‘clicked his fingers, called [my] her bluff’. This is similar to the way in ‘Horse Whisperer’ that the whisperer’s life is turned around so quickly, because the woman in ‘Les Grands Seigneurs’ becomes ‘(yes, overnight) a plaything’ showing how fast this transformation happened. The differences between the two plays are quite subtle, with only a few differences. Whereas ‘Horse Whisperer’ is thirty-four lines long, ‘Les Grands Seigneurs’ is only fifteen long, prompting the thought that maybe the writer of ‘Les Grands Seigneurs’, Dorothy Molloy, was writing a short poem to show how the life of a woman who thinks big of herself has changed greatly over such a short space of time. The writer of ‘Horse Whisperer’ may have written it longer to show how long the gift of Horse Whispering had been around in his family and how it was cruelly snatched away by the industrial revolution. Also, the language in both plays is quite different. In ‘Les Grands Seigneurs’, the woman speaks in an informal tone, using words such as ‘hurdy-gurdy’ and she also uses many medieval terms such as ‘castellated towers’, showing that she is possibly mainly talking about royalty, showing that she thinks a lot of herself and that she is in charge. In ‘Horse Whisperer’, the language is stronger, putting

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