The Lottery And The Rocking-Horse Winner Essay

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English 102-D03 Liberty University Fiction Essay July 21, 2015 APA “The Lottery” and “The Rocking-Horse Winner” are fictional stories that show similar points of view. The point of view presented in both stories consists of how lucky one might or might not be. The other is about the importance of money and how it changes people. The mother in “The Rocking-Horse Winner” never realized just how lucky she was to have three beautiful children. Her focus in life was all about money. She remained focused on money even up to the end when her son Paul died to show her he was lucky and give her the money she desperately wanted. “The Lottery” shows how cruel people can be when it comes to traditions and bad luck. The conflict is substantial…show more content…
Kennedy & Dana Gioia (Eds.), Literature An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, drama and writing. Pearson. Rocking Horse Winner Analysis - College Essay - StudyMode. (n.d.). Retrieved from I. Introduction A. Moreover,” The rocking-Horse Winner.” B. Both stories have similar points of view C. They show a perspective about how lucky they are or are not. They also talk about how important money is. D. In” The Rocking-Horse Winner”, the mother had no idea just how rich she was. Her focus was on money even unto the end when Paul, her son, died to give her the money she desperately wanted. “The Lottery” shows how cruel people can become when it comes to money. These two stories have entirely different kinds of conflict. “The Rocking-Horse Winner shows physical conflict whereas “The Lottery” shows social conflict. II. Main Characters in The Rocking- Horse Winner A. Mother- Father B. Paul C. Two Little Girls D. Bassett III. Main Characters in The Lottery A. Old Man Warner B. Mr. and Mrs. Adams C. Mrs. Hutchinson D. Mr. Summers IV.
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