Hero's Quest: Gilgamesh, Odysseus, And Rama

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The Hero’s Quest? Peter Stillman once stated, “Despite its countless variations there is only one hero story.” This quote supports the ideas that in each story the three heroes: Gilgamesh, Odysseus, and Rama all live the same hero’s quest with some variations. The three heroes all start off on a long quest from their home city, encounter problems and resolve them, and ultimately end up back where they started. The basic idea of those three things are common in all three stories but the means of which these heroes go about their quest is what really makes each one of them unique and a true hero. The means of which each hero completes their quest gives humans a lesson on life and how humans also do grow up and get better at things and problem solving. Everything that Stillman has said about a hero’s quest is in its own particular ways true and valid, but each story has its own life lesson and these will be revealed to you. As a hero Gilgamesh goes out on his quest in a different way than both Rama and Odysseus. His different way still has many parallels to the other two heroes though. Gilgamesh was a half-man, half-god and what the class considered bored, so he went through his city and the wilderness killing everything and anything for no apparent reason other than he had the ability to do so. The way Gilgamesh was so cruel with his enemies was just how he went about his duties of ruling his people, but like any other hero he did his job and got back to his homeland, which was the place of original departure for the quest. This fits directly into Stillman’s simple description of a hero’s quest and for a few good reasons. Gilgamesh’s hero quest gives us a lesson that if you are brutal and nasty to your opponents and show no mercy for the innocent that in the end you will be discouraged in life and have a feeling of remorse and what its like to be on

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