Hereditary and Environmental Factors

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Essay- Heredity and Environment Psychological development is a process of development throughout an individual’s life. There are many influences that could change how we are developed. We have two characteristics, heredity and environmental. Heredity is the characteristics from biological parents to the individual or ancestors. So if your parents were both very successful at school and were very smart when conceived you the child could be smart. The child would have more chance of being smart than others because being smart is in genetics. When the males sperm fertilizes the women’s eggs the sperm and eggs both contain their own genes respectively. While fertilizing a knew cell is created called zygote which contains a new gene with a combination from both sperm and egg, Aka Mother and Father. The kind of characteristics that result from genes are; hair and eye colour, blood type, body shape, likelihood of carrying an illness or catching an illness, brain and nervous system maturity levels and hormones. Environmental factors also make up who we are, and probably most important in how we are today. Environmental factors are referred to as; objects, experiences and events we’re exposed to throughout our life time. If the individual were too been brought up into a wealthy family that would effect on how the individual acts and see’s life. They would expect a lot more because when growing up they could have gotten in. There are many more factors that include; your friendship group, schooling, occupation, income level, relationship status, religion beliefs, ethnics origins, what you’re exposed to in society, media, stress, life events, serious illness and other personal and socio cultural factors. These factors influence how we are shaped psychologically throughout our life. Both heredity and environmental factors influence how we develop psychologically.

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