Henry Viii Vs. John Calvin In The Protestant Reformation

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Henry VIII vs. John Calvin in the Protestant Reformation In the sixteenth century, stood the reformation of the Catholic Church in Western Europe. While the main focus was an internal renovation of the church, the outcome was much different than expected; the reformation led to a revolt against and an abandonment of principal Christian belief. The difference in the view and act of oneself was different from individual to individual during the reformation. While Calvin left for Geneva in 1536 from France because of the fear of persecution for the publically spread beliefs of his about the Church to the people, Henry VIII had manipulated the church for a way to receive a new wife in hopes for his first son. Different motivation stands for each of these people in what they did for the reformation. Calvin born and raised a Frenchman, had received a degree in law to find out he was not interested in the subject had changed his interest in life to religion reformation. At a young age Calvin had been in an area where the population was being stirred by the writings about the Catholic Church by Luther and Erasmus. Calvin was enlightened by the idea and thought that Luther had about the Catholic Church. Calvin’s motivation for his acts during the reformation was to start a transition into making and becoming a healthy Church that was seen correct under the eyes above the Bible. Calvin, disagreeing with the church on many levels, fled France in fear of persecution by the Catholic king and settled in the Swiss City of Geneva, Calvin’s ideas flourished the community during and in a short time Calvin and his beliefs in Christianity were strongly mended into the community. Calvinism was formed because of his strong desire to change the Church during the reformation. As a result surrounding rulers and people from all over Europe adopted his beliefs and Calvin had made his
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