Dbq On Protestant Reformation

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Life in Europe during the Renaissance was an incredibly dangerous time. Peasants leaved under heavy taxes, constant warfare, and the spread of deadly diseases. In short people lived in constant fear of death. This preoccupation with death that existed amongst the people also resulted in a similar preoccupation in religious salvation. As the people watched the church decay morally through the Renaissance they became more and more worried about what this meant for them in the afterlife. Thus the Reformation was a direct result of a buildup of social, economic, religious, and political problems that manifested itself into a general animosity towards the Catholic Church. The most important figure of the Reformation is without a doubt Martin Luther. Luther created the rally cry that thousands across Europe answered by criticizing the Catholic Churches practices and carrying on the work of other Christian Humanists like Erasmus. We see an example of one of Luther’s critical writings in Document 8. In this Document we see Luther take a strong anti Catholic stance and even go so far as to condemn the Pope. Document 9 also serves as another example and shows Luther’s being critical of the Churches officials and the need for priests by clamming “every baptized Christian is a priest already.” This last point struck a major cord with the peasants in Europe. Luther was telling them they could gain their own salvation by studying the bible for themselves. No longer would they need to be dependent on the Church. Both of these Documents come from Luther’s point of view and thus have a fairly large bias in favor of the Reformation. Document 3 is also a look at Church corruption but from a pro Catholic point of view. It serves as more a realization of Church Corruption than a straight critique like Luther’s. The one thing that all these Documents have in common is

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