Henry Fleming Trial

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Henry Fleming Trial Henry Fleming is guilty of desertion and should be prosecuted accordingly. It's unquestionable that he ran from battle and there is plenty of evidence to support this claim. Although towards the end of The Red Badge of Courage, the youth gains bravery and fights like a man; but that doesn't excuse the fact that he ran. Because of this, Henry should receive a lighter punishment, but he's still guilty for the following reasons: Let's put aside the blunt fact of him running for a minute, and focus on the other facts. He tried to justify his actions' multiple times throughout the novel. He continuously asked soldiers what they would do if given the chance to run, including Jim and Wilson. Then, ¨he threw a pine cone at a jovial squirrel, and he ran with chattering fear. High in a tree top he stopped, and poking his head cautiously from behind a branch, looked down with an air of triumph.¨ When Henry was with the wounded soldiers, he ran into a tattered soldier. The tattered man was very persistent in asking where Henry was hurt. This made Henry feel bad because he wasn't really hurt, but he didn't want to tell him that. He wished he was hurt and had a ¨red badge of courage¨ so it would be acceptable that he ran away. By doing all these things, Henry tried to make himself feel better about what he did and tried to make his actions okay. Another fact proving Henry is guilty of running is that he went into the war scared that he was going to run. Like mentioned before, before the war even started, Henry was asking soldiers what they would do if given the chance. This shows that he wanted to see if other soldiers felt the same way he did. Henry Fleming and the rest of the regiment were marching for days without any battle. He wanted there to be action, but he was scared and didn't want it to start at the same time. So the time comes to fight and
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