Helen Hunt Jackson Case Study

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1. How knowledgeable does Helen Hunt Jackson seem to have been about the ways and conditions of the Cheyennes and Arapahoes? Helen Hunt Jackson apparently knows a lot about the treatment of the Cheyennes and Arapahoes. She is advocating for the basic human rights, so she knows how unfairly they are being treated. I believe that the fact she was a female writer inspired her to stand up for the Native Americans. She obviously must have felt in some ways similar discrimination from the white males as the Indians experience (white males superior over females and Indians). 2. According to this sketch, what was the most severe danger they faced? There were many threats posed to the Indians by the white settlers. The most severe threat was the…show more content…
Of course, she did not wish for war. Her own husband was a United States Army Captain. Her second husband was a railroad executive; he built railroads which destroyed the Indian’s habitats. She believed that the government should fix the treaties between the Indian and U.S they so often ignored for their belief in Manifestation, and settle the dispute in a peaceful way. 4. Which of the agencies involved with the Indians- the Interior and the army- seemed to Jackson to be the most understanding of the circumstances of the Cheyenne? Jackson believed that both the Department of the Interior and the U.S army did not do much to help the Cheyenne. The U.S army massacred the Cheyenne tribe in 1864. After the massacre the Commissioner of Indian affairs tried to prove they were not put in situations that forced them to rebel/ run away (refused food; starved, not provided with warm proper clothing they were promised in the treaty, driven off their lands and forced to stay confined on a reservation that wasn’t theirs). 5. Why did A Century of Dishonor strike so positive a chord among readers, including U.S
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