Health Belief Model

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Using the Health Belief model, write up an explanation for preventive or treatment seeking behaviour using any noncommunicable disease and a related recommendation. Identify a target population that you are referring to and describe the factors that would impact perceived susceptibility, perceived severity, perceived benefits, perceived barriers, cues to action and self efficacy. For example, if you were to take major depression among married, post-menopausal women, you would discuss all the factors that would impact their perception of their susceptibility, severity, etc. Identify a recommendation and discuss factors affecting perceived benefits, barriers, cues to action and self efficacy. It is important that this is not based on your own ideas, but has some backing in research. Therefore, you have to give a minimum of four references with your assignment. Your assignment (excluding references) should be no more than three pages long. It is fine if it is less than three pages (you will not be penalized for that). Health belief model-for preventive treatment for osteoporosis in postmenopausal women Target population-middle aged woman Introduction Thjose beliefs which influence to follow preventive or therapeutic recommendations.focussed primarily on the prevention rather than treatment of the disease. Commonly use theory in health education and promortion.Also explains the non-complaince with a particular health programme. People have attitudes,values and beliefs about their health and health services which might influence their perceptions of need and utilization of services The initial behavior model 1960(journal of health and social behavior USE of healtrh services Predisposing factors-demographic,social str5ucture,health beliefs Enabling resource-personal ,family /community Need-perceived…evaluated Perceived need is a perceived

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