Health and Social Unit 11 P1 P2 P3

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Forms of abuse which may be experienced by adults Types of abuse Abuse is mistreating another person by violating a person’s human and civil rights. The abuse can vary from treating someone with disrespect in a way which significantly affects the person's quality of life, to causing actual physical suffering. Abuse can happen to anyone, even in a healthcare setting such as, a residential or nursing home, a hospital, at a day care centre or an education environment, in supported housing or in the street. Vulnerable people are more at risk of being abused, such as people with learning, sensory or physical disability, older people who are more dependent on help from others. People with mental health problems or with dementia. Anyone is able to abuse someone whether it’s physical or emotional abuse, but the people who are usually responsible with the abuse are well known to the person they are abusing. These people can be a paid carer or volunteer, a health worker, social care or other worker, a relative, friend or neighbour, another service user or an occasional visitor to that person. The different types of abuse that can happen are physical, sexual, emotional or psychological, neglect or acts of omission, exploitation, discriminatory, institutional, bullying, self-harm or domestic abuse. Physical abuse “Physical abuse is when someone deliberately hurts or injures you. It can include hitting, kicking, and hair pulling, beating with objects, throwing and shaking. No one has the right to hurt you in this way.” ( Physical abuse is an act of another person using physical contact to cause feelings of physical pain or injury. Physically abused children are at risk for later interpersonal problems involving aggressive behaviour and adolescents are more at risk of abusing substances. Physical abuse is any intentional and unwanted contact with you or
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