Health and Social Care Level 2 Unit7

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1.1 DEFINE PERSON-CENTRED VALUES (SOURCE: OWN/HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE 3RD EDITION) Person- centred values simply means the service users who we care for and support are to be involved in the decision making process that affects the care and support we as careers provide for them. In a way it all comes down to the fact that each service user is different from each other and has their own needs. When caring and supporting service users, person-centred approaches, policies and procedures should put them at the centre of the day-to-day activities. I recognised this fact two weeks ago when I organised a coach trip to Bristol for my elderly service users. Two of them told me they don’t like coach trips but rather prefer to read novels quietly in their rooms. 1.2 EXPLAIN WHY IT IS IMPORTANT TO WORK IN A WAY THAT EMBEDS PERSON-CENTRED VALUES (OWN/HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE 3RD EDITION As a carer, I value and cherish the importance to work in way that embeds person-centred values as it helps maintain the service user identity, supports them to be independent as possible and helps them to access their rights All the care and support I provided for my service users that is bathing, dressing, personal hygiene, preparing meals and shopping, I took person-centred values into account 1.3 EXPLAIN WHY RISK-TAKING CAN BE PART OF A PERSON-CENTRED APPROACH (SOURCE: OWN/ HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE THIRD EDITION) Risk taking is part of everyday life of which all of us are entitled to, however, not before the risk or risks
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