Health And Safety In Social Care Settings

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Claire Jane Williams` Guide to Awareness of Health and Safety in a Social Care Setting The Law relating to: Health and Safety Legislation: * Health and safety at work act 1974 is the most important pice of legislation covering health and safety at work * The act requires employer with five or more employees to have a written health and safety policy this should set out the arrangements for protecting the health and safety of the employees and also show how to put them into practices * You should have a copy or access to this The Reporting of Injuries and Dangerous Occurrences 1995 (RIDDOR): * The RIDDOR regulation requires your employer to report any injuries, disease and dangerous occurrences Electricity at Work Regulation 1989: *…show more content…
Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulation 1992 * this is to make sure that protective equipment (PPE) is supplied and used such as gloves and apron Food Safety Act 1990 * this is to ensure that anyone peppering food have a up to date food hygiene certificate Smoke Free Regulation (Health Act 2008) * it is a criminal offence to smoke or to permit smoking in all workplaces and public places including vehicle This is an outline of the of the main health and safety responsibilities to: The social care worker: * Take care of your own health and safety * To take care not to put yourself or others at risk * Make sure you have the proper training be for doing an activity that requires it * To tell your employer of any medication that may affect your job * To tell your employer if your health has changed * To wear the proper clothing that is needed for the job that you are doing * To tell your employer if any injuries that have happened as a result of you doing your job(your employer may need to change the way you work) * To make sure the clothing that you are wearing does not affect your job The employer or manager: * To make sure the work place is

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