Healt and Social Care Nvq 3

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Understand the need for tissue viability risk assessment. 1.1…Describe the anatomy and physiology of healthy skin The skin is an outside covering for the human body. It is an organ just like the heart, lung and liver. It provides layer of protection and plays a vital role in maintaining body temperature and by making you aware of external stimuli through the sense of touch. The skin has two layers, the epidermis and the dermis, although not part of the skin, the hypodermis lies beneath the dermis. When the skin is about to be damaged it shows signs of redness and warmth on the area. Skin gives protection against biological invasion, physical damage and ultra violet radiation. It also provides us sensation for touch, heat and pain. Thermoregulation is supported through sweating and regulation of blood flow through the skin and synthesis of Vitamin D occurs. As the body gets older, poor nutrition or disability occurs, the skin is under pressure of getting damage through pressure sores. Factors such as shearing, friction and compression are the major cause of a person to have developed a pressure sore. 1.2… Describe the changes that occur when damage caused by pressure develops. Discoloration of intact skin not affected by light finger pressure (non blanching erythema) this may be difficult to identify in darkly pigmented skin. Full thickness skin loss involving damage of subcutaneous tissue but not extending to the underlying fascia. The pressure ulcer presents clinically as a deep crater with or without undermining of adjacent tissue. http://d.adroll.com/cm/f/outhttp://d.adroll.com/cm/b/outFull thickness skin loss with extensive destruction and necrosis extending to underlying tissue. 1.3… Explain when an initial tissue viability risk assessment may be required. This may be required when a patient is introduced to a new care setting. And this should

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