Hcs/490 Week 1 Dq 1

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What choices does one have to make when deciding on health care coverage options? According to (Kotler, Shalowitz, & Stevens, 2008), five basic psychological processes come into play when making a buying decision of any kind and health care coverage is not an exception. These processes are problem recognition, information search, and evaluation of alternatives, purchase decision, and then finally post-decision behavior. When the buyer sees that there is a problem such as no or insufficient health care coverage this begins the first of five choice processes. Either an external or internal stimulus becomes the driving force behind this process. To stimulate consumer interest in health care the marketing department will usually initiate a marketing campaign to increase his or her interest. The aroused consumer then enters the second process termed information search. The marketing department will then need to understand and promote the information readiness of the target market. An attempt is made to put enough information in front of the consumer to allow him or her to use the relative information for making a buying decision. Since every buyer is different than another it is important to market the health care coverage to appeal to either fulfilling the information neediness of the individual or the perceived information availability to him or her. There are three levels of consumer involvement behavior and those are in increasing order low-involvement, the learning model, the dissonance attribution model, or a combination of these. Health care marketing departments must know information sources very well that a consumer might use and use those sources to influence a buying decision. A consumer then enters the evaluation of alternatives phase of the buying process and this is when the consumer develops a perspective of what attributes and benefits the

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