Happy Birthday Mommy!

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Dear Mom, Happy Birthday!! You don’t look a day over 40, and you get even more beautiful with each passing year. I am so thankful that God created you as my mom. You are truly the most loving, thoughtful, selfless, compassionate, caring, giving, amazing woman that this world has ever seen. You make me want to be a better person. You constantly amaze me in the ways that you care for others before yourself. Because I don’t tell you “thank you” enough, I wanted to list all the things for which I am so grateful: For sticking by me even when I am horrible to you...For not embarrassing me in public...For forgiving me in all the ways I hurt you and for not holding them against me… For believing in me and encouraging me when no one else did… For believing the best in me, even when I was at my worst… For supporting my “crazy” dreams, and not just standing behind me in my decisions, but standing beside me, holding my hand every step of the way… For bearing with me through all of the times I thought I knew better… For being my #1 prayer warrior… For taking us on family vacations… For always putting others before yourself… For standing up for us when people hurt us...For dropping whatever you are doing-no matter how important- if one of us needs you… For always thinking of ways to make me happy… For telling me I am beautiful… For believing that I am beautiful… For everything you do for me and mine, thank you. I love you so, so, so, so, so much, words cannot even begin to touch it. I respect you, admire you, look up to you, and adore you. I am SO grateful you are my mom, and I love you. Happiest of birthdays, and may this year be your best one yet. Love you
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