Happen To Concentration Camps

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What Happen To Concentration Camps After World War II? They had to restored physical health, some went to Israel and some went to the U.S. The other stay. During the Holocaust, by guessing, about 6,000,000,000 people were murdered and non-Jewish were about 6,000,000,000: total about 12,000,000,000 were murdered. Why Did Hitler Hate the Jews? Most history students know that over six million Jews were slaughtered during World War II. However, there are actually several theories as to why Hitler hated the Jews. What was the cause that instigated one man to try and wipe out an entire race of people? Let us try and look at some of the possible causes or factors that lead to this cold-blooded massacre. THEORY OF SUPERIOR RACE One of the most…show more content…
And how did such an advanced society allow itself to be seduced and then destroyed by its own capacity for senseless barbarity? The Germans in the thirties were seduced by the glittering success of Hitler in creating jobs, generating a vibrant economy and restoring Germany's military might. William Shirer, who was on the scene in Germany during these critical years, candidly sums up the mood of the country at this juncture: "Not many Germans lost sleep over the arrests of a few thousand pastors and priests or over the quarreling of the various Protestant sects .." It was this apathy and moral indifference in Germany that empowered Hitler and fueled his military juggernaut that was poised to roll inexorably over Europe. Why did Hitler hate the Jews? Holocaust happened because Hitler and the Nazis were racist. They believed the German people were a 'master race', who were superior to others. They even created a league table of 'races' with the Aryans at the top and with Jews, Gypsies and black people at the bottom. These 'inferior' people were seen as a threat to the purity and strength of the German nation. When the Nazis came to power they persecuted these people, took away their human rights and eventually decided that they should be exterminated. How did Adolf Hitler…show more content…
And how did such an advanced society allow itself to be seduced and then destroyed by its own capacity for senseless barbarity? The Germans in the thirties were seduced by the glittering success of Hitler in creating jobs, generating a vibrant economy and restoring Germany's military might. William Shirer, who was on the scene in Germany during these critical years, candidly sums up the mood of the country at this juncture: "Not many Germans lost sleep over the arrests of a few thousand pastors and priests or over the quarreling of the various Protestant sects .." It was this apathy and moral indifference in Germany that empowered Hitler and fueled his military juggernaut that was poised to roll inexorably over Europe. Why did Hitler hate the Jews? Holocaust happened because Hitler and the Nazis were racist. They believed the German people were a 'master race', who were superior to others. They even created a league table of 'races' with the Aryans at the top and with Jews, Gypsies and black people at the bottom. These 'inferior' people were seen as a threat to the purity and strength of the German nation. When the Nazis came to power they persecuted these people, took away their human rights and eventually decided that they should be exterminated. How did Adolf Hitler
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