Gun Control Research Paper

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Gun Control 1 Understanding Gun Control in the United States Ronald Daniel Charnell Thomas, MA, MSEd Research Writing 102 September 21, 2013 Gun Control 2 Ronald Daniel Charnell Thomas MA, MSEd Research Writing 102 September 21, 2013 Understanding Gun Control in the United States While firearms have always played an important part in the life of America, gun control has never been an important legislative topic in current news. The Gun Control Act of 1968 was designed to provide support to federal, state, and local law enforcement officials in their fight against crime and violence. Although state and local attempts to regulate the carrying of concealed…show more content…
Our President, Barack Obama is one of the many. After a tragic massacre of 20 grade-school children in Newtown, Connecticut; President Obama remarked,“Something fundamental in American has to change.” The United States has as many firearms as it does inhabitants. While mortality rates from most major causes of injury have significantly declined, the number of annual firearm fatalities has not decreased. President Obama has a plan in place to reduce firearm violence. This plan includes (1) closing background check loopholes; (2) banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines; and (3) improving mental health services.[2] Although the president's plan is well within the confines of the Constitution, the limits imposed by the Court, combined with a fragmented mental health system, mean that no constitutionally permissible plan will be fully effective (citation). Still, the president's plan could reduce the devastating toll of firearm injuries and deaths through a public health strategy. Whether a massacre of grade-school children in a Connecticut town will alter the political dynamics of gun control remains unclear. The nation can only hope that the worst tragedies will inspire the greatest bipartisan…show more content…
Through study and research I planned to analyze the origin and antecedents of gun control and what it really means. My level of understanding and comprehension of gun control in the United States as greatly increased, as I hope do yours. Gun Control 5 References: Record KL, Gostin LO. A Systematic Plan for Firearms Law Reform. JAMA.2013;309(12):1231-1232. doi:10.1001/jama.2013.1127. Franklin E. Zimring, Firearms and Federal Law: The Gun Control Act of 1968 , 4 J. Legal Stud.133 (1975), Available at: Obama B. Meet the Press [transcript]. NBC television. December 30, 2012 [1] Hoyert DL, Jiaquan X. Deaths: Preliminary Data for 2011: Selected Causes, National Vital Statistics Reports. Hyattsville, MD: Dept of Health and Human Services; 2012 [2] White House. Now is the time: the President's plan to protect our children and our communities by reducing gun violence. January 16, 2013. Accessed February 1,

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