Short Summary Of Pandora's Box

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Pandora’s Box The story revolves around Pandora, the first woman on earth created by the gods. Pandora was given various gifts by the gods, such as beauty, music, curiosity and so on. Later on, Zeus sent Pandora on earth to marry the titan Epimetheus. Zeus also gave her a sealed box as a wedding gift with instruction that it shall never be opened. But because of Pandora’s great curiosity, she can’t resist the temptation and took a peek inside the sealed box. When the box was opened, all manners of evil such as greed, pestilence, and illnesses was sent free to earth. Pandora regretting her actions, shut the box closed leaving the only good gift bestowed by Zeus – hope. Icarus’ Flight The story revolves around Icarus, the son of the famous…show more content…
The origin of the war was caused by a quarrel between the three goddesses: Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite. The quarrel began when Eris, the goddess of strife, plotted revenge because she was the only one not invited in the wedding celebration of Thethis and Peleus. Eris produced a golden apple inscribed with the words “to the fairest” and thrown it in the direction of the goddesses: Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite; knowing that the 3 goddesses will fight for ownership of the said apple. Zeus, tired with the ongoing quarrel, decided that they should pick a mortal to decide who the apple should belong. Zeus picked a mortal named Paris, the prince of Troy. The goddesses offered Paris various gifts for exchange of picking them as the fairest. Paris picked Aphrodite, who promised him the love of the most beautiful woman on earth -Helen. Aphrodite, happy with her victory, fulfilled her promise and made Helen fall in love with Paris. Paris immediately went and took away Helen. But since Helen is already married to King Menelaus, the ruler of the Greeks, this created conflict between the nations of Troy and Greece. This begins the war between the Greeks and the Trojans later called “The Trojan…show more content…
It was said that one of the first gods was Gaia, the goddess of earth. Gaia married Uranus, the god of the sky. And the two of them had 3 groups of children which look very different from each other; the Cyclops, the fifty headed mans with over a hundred arms, and the giants called Titans. Uranus was not pleased with how his children, the Cyclops and the fifty headed man looked like. He threw them underground and sealed them. Gaia was angered with what Uranus did to their children. She ordered Cronus, one of their Titan children, to fight Uranus. Cronus emerged victorious and became the god of the universe. Afterwards Cronus married Rhea, another Titan. And eventually Cronus and Rhea had their own child but Cronus feared that one of his children may overthrow him – just like what he did to his own father. Cronus thought of an idea to prevent it. As soon as his child was born, he takes the baby from Rhea and swallows it whole. This continues for his other children until such time that Rhea can’t handle it anymore. Rhea devised of a plan to save her child. She wrapped a stone in a baby blanket, tricking Cronus that it was their son, while she sent her baby to grow up with its grandmother Gaia. The baby now called Zeus, had grown up and vowed to rescue his siblings. With the help of her mother, Zeus was able to free his siblings. Zeus along with his siblings waged war against their father and eventually defeated him.
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