Gm588 - Case Study (Quality in Practice)

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Case Study Quality in Practice: Using the Balanced Scorecard at the United States Postal Service GM588: Managing Quality Instructor: January 31, 2011 Key Issues for Discussion 1. Explain how the Voice of the Employee supports improved internal processes (Voice of the Business), and how the Voice of the Business supports customer satisfaction (Voice of the Customer). Quality is defined as meeting or exceeding customer expectations, so the first, and overriding, feature of Total Quality Management is a company’s focus on its customers. The goal is to first identify and then meet those customers’ needs by utilizing the Voice of the Customer (VoC) tools. Successful companies understand the powerful impact customer-defined quality could have on their business. For this reason many competitive firms continually increase their quality standards and a large part of this TQM philosophy is to empower all employees to seek out quality problems and correct them[1]. An organization responding to the needs of empowering its employees needs something very different – an honest, reliable assessment of the strength and weaknesses of its relationship with its people. These needs can only be met through Voice of the Employee (VoE), a research methodology designed to support evidence-based, employee driven change. VoC provides valuable insight into what about the product or service that customers find valuable, and what they find annoying or useless. Through VoE, and by allowing employees to participate in influencing corporate decision making, the long-term viability of a company is assured because of its positive impact on the company financial results. “No organization can survive without good people; people who are improving to carrying out the message and mission of the company,”[2] to satisfy customers, the workforce must
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